Hotly Anticipated Books
February 11, 2010

Today Scholastic released the title and cover for Mockingjay, the final installment in Suzanne Collins' Hunger Games trilogy. If you're a fan of the series, you know why this title works. If you're not, why are you reading this blog post and not the first two books? What's wrong with you?To help build anticipation, Scholastic won't be printing advanced reader copies for Mockingjay. This makes perfect sense, of course, but it also just about kills me. When the ARC of the first book was first brought into the office, it changed hands between four of us in the span of ten days. When the ARC of Book II was released, it quickly became the most talked about YA title at last year's Book Expo America conference. Eager fans lined up for hours to get their hands on a copy. Thinking myself too cool to wait in a line, I strolled in at around 11 in the morning to grab a copy to find I'd missed out. Suddenly less cool, I had to borrow a friend's galley (that she had already borrowed) with the promise I'd return it within a week. Although Mockingjay probably won't achieve the same sort of frantic anticipation as, say, The Deathly Hollows or Breaking Dawn, many readers, myself included, will be counting the days until its release. From a professional standpoint, it's always wonderful to see that a book can still whip people into a frenzy.So I wonder: What have been some of your most anticipated titles over the years?